Feed your Canaries, Finches and other wild birds in your area a delicious blend seeds to keep them healthy. Bonnie canary bird food is a favourite among bird lovers in Kenya. The mix of seeds is specially formulated to compose of what canaries like best. This blend keeps the birds nutritionally satisfied.
Enjoy fast and efficient delivery when you shop bird food at Petsasa pet store.
- Canary Seed
- Canola
- Oat
- Hemp Seed
- Niger Seed
- Linseed.
Feeding Recommendations for Bonnie Canary Bird Food
Per each bird about 10 gr (1 table spoon) daily.
Canaries eat during most of the time they are awake. Therefore, they should have free access to the fresh feed in a clean bird bowl or drinker. Empty seed coats should be cleaned from the feeding bowl everyday.
Remember to ensure that birds have free access to the feed and fresh drinking water.
Read more on bird nutrition at Petsasa.com
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